I went to High School with Anthony. He was a year younger than me. Now he's a bartender. That's pretty much all I've got on you, Anthony.

Arron Zimnawoda
Arron was sort of on the outskirts of my social scene. He'd flit in and out of my eyeline. Or was it me flitting in and out of his? Hmmm. Anyways, Arron is one super dude and photographer. He's extremely nice and funny and I honestly don't know what the heck he's up to these days other than having a good time which is all I can get from his facebook page. You can see all the fun he's having for yourself right here.

Ashley Corbello
It seems that Ashley and I have taken a similar path in life. We both were illustration majors at CMSU together, probably vowing never to become graphic designers. We both sold out and now just make the real stuff on the side (actually, I kind of get to at work also). She's much more together than I am though. She's got her own website with price lists and everything! I think it won't be long before Ashley can quit her day job. You can check out her fabulous and totally affordable Pet Paintings here.

Ashley Ruzich
I don't know Ashley half as well I want to, but everyone that does know her well completely adores her and talks about her often. The time I have spent with Ashley has been happy upon impact. She shoots good vibes from her eyeballs, but I bet she could rip your face off if you messed with her dear husband, Lou, her precious daughter, Sofija or any of her lucky friends.

Atie (Frisbee) O'Malley
Atie was clever enough to drop the "K" from her name to get her picture sooner–a picture I could not do without the help of glitter, gold and hot pink paint marker. That's just what Atie is. Glitter, Gold, and Hot Pink Paint Marker swimming around in a bucket of black tar. She is my most tell-it-like-it-is friend and my pARTner in crime. (And by crime, I mean, excessive giggling and smack talking )
Atie and I have been friends since art school. Freshmen year it was quickly made obvious that she had the most natural talent in the bunch. I knew I had to beat her, but once I realized she was getting better much faster than I was, my only option was to make nice in hopes that some of it would rub off on me. It did and still does today. Eventually, when we're old, and hopefully less lazy, we intend to develop the world's greatest craft ever made and take it on the road, living on funnel cakes and deep-fried oreos.
Random Fun Facts about Katie:
She has ZERO tolerance for exaggeration and will call you out on it immediately.
She is always right. And I don't mean she THINKS she's always right. She actually IS.
She has a tendency to hermit.
She got pulled up on stage at a Leslie and the Lys show because of her bedazzled sweater.
She's the best person to go to a bad movie with because she makes fun of it the whole time.
She's the worst person to go to a good movie with because she makes fun of it the whole time.
I look appropriately insane. Loves it!
ReplyDeletei love that she has you and your personality right on the mark!