Angela Gartner
I remember Angie from high school, but I don't really have any solid memories to reflect on. We do have a few things in common, though. We went to the same High School AND College, we both love the Twilight series, and we're both amazing athletes..........what? You don't think I'm an amazing athlete? Clearly you haven't seen me dancing in my living room to early 90's pop music.

Angela McCarthy
I knew OF Angie Spradley way before I knew Angela McCarthy. Angie Spradley was the teenage dream type at Fort Zumwalt North High School. She was a few years ahead of me, so I simply admired her from afar. Years later, a new convert to Christianity, I started going to 2 Rivers church, and there she was, singing on stage. Next thing I know she and her husband, Matt are two of my favs. The great thing about Angela is she is beautiful, bubbly, smart, funny, genuine and completely approachable. PLUS she teaches Tae Kwon Do. Is there anything she CAN'T do? Why yes there is. She totally sucks at being mean and ugly.

Angela Masterson
Angie was on the dance team in high school and now we both have nieces on the Wentzville High School dance team. I KNOW. Freaky, right? I remember Angie being really worried that she wouldn't be able to have kids. Now she's got 3. See, Angie, all that worrying for nothin'!

Angela Overstreet
Angie is one sweet girl. She was one of the jocks in high school and lived in t-shirts and always seemed to have her hair in a ponytail. I caught up with her at our 10 year reunion and I must say, she has blossomed into a beautiful, adventurous and strong Christian woman. She lives in Northern California now and has a blog dedicated to her adventures there–and she's only posted to it once. Come on, girl! You've got to commit! I want to read that thing! You all should harass her too. Here you go: Harass Angie to blog.

Angela Stichter
Sometimes you meet folk who you feel instantly at ease with. There's no need to feel them out and see if your sense of humor will be "gotten." I guess it's called chemistry. Me and Angela have really good chemistry. I haven't seen her in years, but I know we'd be great friends if she didn't live all the way on the other side of the bridge.
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