Some people just radiate joy and peace. People like Angie Cox. I really admire Angie in a way that I can't really put my finger on. I mean, there's the obvious stuff like her love for absolutely everyone, the smile that she wears daily, come hell or high water, her openness, her musical abilities, her warmth, her humor, her nurturing spirit, her leadership capabilities, her prayers, her passion, excettera, excettera. But, there's something more than that. I've come back to this computer 3 or 4 times today trying to articulate it. I still don't think I can, but it has something to do with her unwavering faith. She's one of the best people I know. I love her.

Angie Mitulski
There's this scene in my all time favorite marketed-for-children-but-really-made-for-grown-ups cartoon, The Last Unicorn where the unicorn is transforming into the Lady Amalthea. She's all sparkly and pale and long and lean and graceful. That scene reminds me of the Angie I knew from high school. I haven't seen her since, but judging from her pictures, she's still the same. Except for the pale part.

Angie Weatherford
OH. MY. I don't know if I've ever met a Leo I didn't like. And this one I LOVE. Angie is the most classically beautiful woman I know. In real life or other-wise. I mean, you could stick her in a time machine and set the dial to any age and she would be the prettiest girl in the room. She looks like a painting. But, hey ya'll–she's more than just a pretty face. Homegirl is a Lawyer! That's one of those jobs that, to me, seems on the same bar as saying "I'm an astronaut!' I mean, I realize that there are a lot more lawyers than astronauts, A LOT MORE, but the amount of studying and stick-to-it-iveness and sheer brain power that you have to have to see that goal through is so totally foreign to me. I don't know. Maybe it's not that big of a deal to be a lawyer. I mean, look at My Cousin Vinny.
Besides the whole beautiful lawyer thing, she's wonderful, funny, opinionated, tough and tender and I just think the world of her.

Annie!! Annie was one of the original T.G.I.T. girls, (our thursday night bible study) back when it was on a Monday. Now I only see her in weird places like my nieces graduation, but I've always got tabs on her. She is missed.

Anne Burch
Guess where I was just last night? Annie's bachelorette party! It was a traditional bachelorette party complete with penis shaped named tags, endless liquor and enough sexual innuendoes to last me a lifetime. Fun was had until I got yelled by a security guard for wearing my sunglasses at night. No joke. Apparently they have to be able to see if you're sleeping or not. I mean, who made a law against sleeping at a bar? What are the designated drivers supposed to do? But back to Anne-
I'm pretty sure she knows every word to almost every musical ever made, and she'll sing them for you start to finish. Good thing she has such a lovely voice. Anne is one-of-a-kind and she is a featured player in so many of my best memories.
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