This is my old pal Adam. We were cheerleaders together. Say what you will, but those guy cheerleaders were some of the best dudes I knew. And the smartest. I mean, all they had to do was make us laugh and touch our butts (pop-seat!). Adam is a brilliant musician and I always had a bit of an innocent crush on him. How could you not have a crush on someone so cute and talented and easy to be around?

Theatrical and highlarious and center-of-attention material if I ever met one. This charming boy has the added bonus of being related to me. Adam is my second-cousin and even though I only see him once every seven years or so, I like to think we have a special bond.

If you break your life up into chapters, as I do, there are distinct marks that define the close of one chapter and the start of a new one. Usually it's an event or a right of passage like graduation or getting your period, but every once in a blue moon, the page turner is a person. Just knowing them changes the course of our life profoundly. Aimee is one of those for me. Some of the most important people in my life I know because I first knew her. Aimee and I worked together at my first grown-up job. We were both new Christians without a clue as to what that actually meant, so we did what all people would do in that situation. We started a bible study. Aimee put it all together. All I had to do was show up. We've been meeting weekly for almost 8 years now. 8 YEARS!
Besides all that, Aimee is a great friend, has the sleekest hair, the most well-kept nails and is one of the most capable and unintentionally ambitious people I know.

Sash as I know him. Apparently Sasha is short for Alexander. I'm sure that makes more sense in Russia, where's he's from. He and his family moved to the states when he was in High School, but he only has the slightest hint of an accent. He must have tried really hard, bless his heart.
You know how sometimes you meet people and you are super uncomfortable around them and really feel like you need to watch what you say to make a good impression? Sash has the opposite effect. Nothing but good vibes oozing out of him. AND he works for FOX Sports. You boys should be jealous.

This girl lived in Africa for a few months on a mission trip. And I don't mean the Africa that's kind of like America with all it's modern conveniences. I mean the Africa that's like AFRICA. She was supposed to be there longer than she was, but while she was home for a visit it got to hostile and they wouldn't let her return. Alissa is brave, funny and nice. And I mean, nice seems like such a generic word. It's one that we gloss over and are practically immune to but she is SO NICE. She's one of those people I'm going to make a point to be really good friends with when I get in my time machine and do high school over again.
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