If you hooked up one of your grandmother's Madame Alexander dolls to your 1980's computer while wearing your mom's bra on your head, you would create a surge of energy intense enough to drain the power from the city, and bring that doll to life! Most of us are born the natural way, but I'm pretty sure that that's how Amy Jackson White got here. She looks just like a living porcelain doll! AND her kids do too! She must be manufacturing a new race of doll people or something. But, don't worry. If these new doll people are half as sweet and pleasant as Amy, we'll probably be the better for it.

I have a HUGE family. And I'm only actually related to about 1/5 of them. I'm fortunate to have several friends who love me enough to pull me into theirs. Amy is one of my pretend cousins and my real friend. She is the REAL cousin of my BFF Katie and used to live in their basement when she was a bad-ass teenager, which is the only way she could be described in those days. Now girlfriend has 5 kids, a husband and lives in a tiny 2 bedroom house. Yes. She's Catholic. Back when our parents were growing up, this would have been considered totally normal, but now we live in the age of the McMansion and most of us have a personal bubble that's about 50 feet wide. DO NOT step into it. Amy says "F that". And I'm glad she does. (This could turn into an entirely different blog rant, so I'll stop myself here on that issue).
Oh! And P.S. - don't even think about trying to step into the ring with Amy in a battle of wit. She's undefeated.
Amy Neagles
When God was passing out pretty, I'm pretty sure that Amy snuck back in line and went through twice. Clever, Amy. Very clever.

Amy Stork Faris
I'm a friend-of-friend collector. Amy Stork– er, I mean FARIS (we can still call you Stork, right?) I picked up when I was rooting around in Amy B's purse one day. Amy B has a whole gaggle of friends that she gathered in college and they are TIGHT. Always talking via email. Always going on big trips together. Always going to everyones wedding showers. I don't know how one maintains such a large group of friends. I mean, I've got a lot of friends, but not big clumps of them. Amy FARIS is an important piece of the clump. She's SO adorbs and sweet and down to earth. She also sells Crocs with a vengeance.

Amy West
When you have 472 facebook friends like I do, you really have to manage that feed. I'm pretty particular about who's status I get constant updates on. Some I keep 'cause they make me laugh, some 'cause they make me think, and others because I genuinely what to know what they are doing at any given moment. Amy West is all three.
When I was in college, there was a big herd of us art students that were all pals, but within the herd there were well defined clicks. Especially amongst the girls. Now, don't get the wrong idea. We all liked each other just fine and were happy to hang out when we did, but we definitely had different interests. While me and my girls were sticking tacks on the bottom of our shoes so we could tap dance in the hallway, Amy and her girls were off in the fibers room giggling about something totally different and enjoying their womens-libbiness. If we lived in the sixties, they would have been the hippies.
Now Amy is married, can do pretty much anything, and has 3 kids. Her eldest is Sid. He's five and I'm pretty sure he's smarter than me. I LIVE for Sid updates. Here's a sample: Sid asked for a pencil and paper so he could write a poem. He wrote a string of letters and showed it to me. I asked what the poem was about. "I don't know," he said with disdain, "I can't read!" Classic.
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