Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Facebook Friends: Anthony -Atie

Anthony Ierardi
I went to High School with Anthony. He was a year younger than me. Now he's a bartender. That's pretty much all I've got on you, Anthony.

Arron Zimnawoda
Arron was sort of on the outskirts of my social scene. He'd flit in and out of my eyeline. Or was it me flitting in and out of his? Hmmm. Anyways, Arron is one super dude and photographer. He's extremely nice and funny and I honestly don't know what the heck he's up to these days other than having a good time which is all I can get from his facebook page. You can see all the fun he's having for yourself right here.

Ashley Corbello
It seems that Ashley and I have taken a similar path in life. We both were illustration majors at CMSU together, probably vowing never to become graphic designers. We both sold out and now just make the real stuff on the side (actually, I kind of get to at work also). She's much more together than I am though. She's got her own website with price lists and everything! I think it won't be long before Ashley can quit her day job. You can check out her fabulous and totally affordable Pet Paintings here.

Ashley Ruzich
I don't know Ashley half as well I want to, but everyone that does know her well completely adores her and talks about her often. The time I have spent with Ashley has been happy upon impact. She shoots good vibes from her eyeballs, but I bet she could rip your face off if you messed with her dear husband, Lou, her precious daughter, Sofija or any of her lucky friends.

Atie (Frisbee) O'Malley
Atie was clever enough to drop the "K" from her name to get her picture sooner–a picture I could not do without the help of glitter, gold and hot pink paint marker. That's just what Atie is. Glitter, Gold, and Hot Pink Paint Marker swimming around in a bucket of black tar. She is my most tell-it-like-it-is friend and my pARTner in crime. (And by crime, I mean, excessive giggling and smack talking )

Atie and I have been friends since art school. Freshmen year it was quickly made obvious that she had the most natural talent in the bunch. I knew I had to beat her, but once I realized she was getting better much faster than I was, my only option was to make nice in hopes that some of it would rub off on me. It did and still does today. Eventually, when we're old, and hopefully less lazy, we intend to develop the world's greatest craft ever made and take it on the road, living on funnel cakes and deep-fried oreos.

Random Fun Facts about Katie:
She has ZERO tolerance for exaggeration and will call you out on it immediately.
She is always right. And I don't mean she THINKS she's always right. She actually IS.
She has a tendency to hermit.
She got pulled up on stage at a Leslie and the Lys show because of her bedazzled sweater.
She's the best person to go to a bad movie with because she makes fun of it the whole time.
She's the worst person to go to a good movie with because she makes fun of it the whole time.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Facebook Friends: Angie - Anne

Angie Cox
Some people just radiate joy and peace. People like Angie Cox. I really admire Angie in a way that I can't really put my finger on. I mean, there's the obvious stuff like her love for absolutely everyone, the smile that she wears daily, come hell or high water, her openness, her musical abilities, her warmth, her humor, her nurturing spirit, her leadership capabilities, her prayers, her passion, excettera, excettera. But, there's something more than that. I've come back to this computer 3 or 4 times today trying to articulate it. I still don't think I can, but it has something to do with her unwavering faith. She's one of the best people I know. I love her. 

Angie Mitulski
There's this scene in my all time favorite marketed-for-children-but-really-made-for-grown-ups cartoon, The Last Unicorn  where the unicorn is transforming into the Lady Amalthea. She's all sparkly and pale and long and lean and graceful. That scene reminds me of the Angie I knew from high school. I haven't seen her since, but judging from her pictures, she's still the same. Except for the pale part. 

Angie Weatherford
OH. MY. I don't know if I've ever met a Leo I didn't like. And this one I LOVE. Angie is the most classically beautiful woman I know. In real life or other-wise. I mean, you could stick her in a time machine and set the dial to any age and she would be the prettiest girl in the room. She looks like a painting. But, hey ya'll–she's more than just a pretty face. Homegirl is a Lawyer! That's one of those jobs that, to me, seems on the same bar as saying "I'm an astronaut!' I mean, I realize that there are a lot more lawyers than astronauts, A LOT MORE,  but the amount of studying and stick-to-it-iveness and sheer brain power that you have to have to see that goal through is so totally foreign to me. I don't know. Maybe it's not that big of a deal to be a lawyer. I mean, look at My Cousin Vinny. 
Besides the whole beautiful lawyer thing, she's wonderful, funny, opinionated, tough and tender and I just think the world of her. 

Anne Boedeker
Annie!! Annie was one of the original T.G.I.T. girls, (our thursday night bible study) back when it was on a Monday. Now I only see her in weird places like my nieces graduation, but I've always got tabs on her. She is missed. 

Anne Burch
Guess where I was just last night? Annie's bachelorette party! It was a traditional bachelorette party complete with penis shaped named tags, endless liquor and enough sexual innuendoes to last me a lifetime. Fun was had until I got yelled by a security guard for wearing my sunglasses at night. No joke. Apparently they have to be able to see if you're sleeping or not. I mean, who made a law against sleeping at a bar? What are the designated drivers supposed to do? But back to Anne-
I'm pretty sure she knows every word to almost every musical ever made, and she'll sing them for you start to finish. Good thing she has such a lovely voice. Anne is one-of-a-kind and she is a featured player in so many of my best memories. 

Facebook Friends: Angela - Angela

Angela Gartner
I remember Angie from high school, but I don't really have any solid memories to reflect on. We do have a few things in common, though. We went to the same High School AND College, we both love the Twilight series, and we're both amazing athletes..........what? You don't think I'm an amazing athlete? Clearly you haven't seen me dancing in my living room to early 90's pop music.

Angela McCarthy
I knew OF Angie Spradley way before I knew Angela McCarthy. Angie Spradley was the teenage dream type at Fort Zumwalt North High School. She was a few years ahead of me, so I simply admired her from afar. Years later, a new convert to Christianity, I started going to 2 Rivers church, and there she was, singing on stage. Next thing I know she and her husband, Matt are two of my favs. The great thing about Angela is she is beautiful, bubbly, smart, funny, genuine and completely approachable. PLUS she teaches Tae Kwon Do. Is there anything she CAN'T do? Why yes there is. She totally sucks at being mean and ugly.

Angela Masterson
Angie was on the dance team in high school and now we both have nieces on the Wentzville High School dance team. I KNOW. Freaky, right? I remember Angie being really worried that she wouldn't be able to have kids. Now she's got 3. See, Angie, all that worrying for nothin'!

Angela Overstreet
Angie is one sweet girl. She was one of the jocks in high school and lived in t-shirts and always seemed to have her hair in a ponytail. I caught up with her at our 10 year reunion and I must say, she has blossomed into a beautiful, adventurous and strong Christian woman. She lives in Northern California now and has a blog dedicated to her adventures there–and she's only posted to it once. Come on, girl! You've got to commit! I want to read that thing! You all should harass her too. Here you go: Harass Angie to blog.

Angela Stichter
Sometimes you meet folk who you feel instantly at ease with. There's no need to feel them out and see if your sense of humor will be "gotten." I guess it's called chemistry. Me and Angela have really good chemistry. I haven't seen her in years, but I know we'd be great friends if she didn't live all the way on the other side of the bridge.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Facebook Friends: Amy - Andy

Amy Wright
I don't know who this Amy Wright person is, but she looks a whole lot like this girl Amy Hoadly that I went to High School with. Amy Hoadly played on our HS volleyball team which I managed Freshmen year because I wasn't good enough to actually be ON the team. Obviously she's very brave because she pranced around in that volleyball uniform which was basically a polo shirt tucked into a pair of granny pannies.

Andi Osiek
Pronounced AUndi, not andi.
To those of you who have no involvement in the artistic community, someone who covers a canvas with feces and glitter may seem like a bit of a freak, but to those of us inside the artistic bubble, it's far weirder to see a super sweet, uber-talented sorority girl. And that's exactly what Andi is. From where I'm standing, she's the freak.

Andrew Richmond
I sort of lost custody of Andrew when my last relationship ended. You know how that goes. Now I only see him occasionally. He's still my friend though and I like him very, very, very much and I know he feels the same. He's a wicked writer, photographer and all around splendid human being. I'm also pretty sure he can hold more liquor than anyone I know.
See how awesome he is here.

Andrew Van Brunt
All I know about Andrew is that he's one of the 3 unmarried people at my church, he's a good-guy-scientist at WashU, and he has a gigantic brain that is completely useless for trivia.

Andy Litwiller
I went to college with Andy and he is what I like to call a Power Nerd. On the outside he looks like an unassuming four-eyed Michael Cera, but spend a few minutes with him and you will find that he is no awkward, oversensitive lady-type. He packs a biting wit and just so happens to be something of a musical genius. He rules the stage with an iron fist I tell you! I remember showing up to one of his gigs in college with a bag full of XXL undies that me and my girlfriends had...um....decorated. I'm actually kind of PO'd that I couldn't find a good picture of him with an afro. I really wanted to draw one.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Facebook Friends: Amy - Amy

Amy Jackson White
If you hooked up one of your grandmother's Madame Alexander dolls to your 1980's computer while wearing your mom's bra on your head, you would create a surge of energy intense enough to drain the power from the city, and bring that doll to life! Most of us are born the natural way, but I'm pretty sure that that's how Amy Jackson White got here. She looks just like a living porcelain doll! AND her kids do too! She must be manufacturing a new race of doll people or something. But, don't worry. If these new doll people are half as sweet and pleasant as Amy, we'll probably be the better for it. 

Amy Jordan Ostoff
I have a HUGE family. And I'm only actually related to about 1/5 of them. I'm fortunate to have several friends who love me enough to pull me into theirs. Amy is one of my pretend cousins and my real friend. She is the REAL cousin of my BFF Katie and used to live in their basement when she was a bad-ass teenager, which is the only way she could be described in those days. Now girlfriend has 5 kids, a husband and lives in a tiny 2 bedroom house. Yes. She's Catholic. Back when our parents were growing up, this would have been considered totally normal, but now we live in the age of the McMansion and most of us have a personal bubble that's about 50 feet wide. DO NOT step into it. Amy says "F that". And I'm glad she does. (This could turn into an entirely different blog rant, so I'll stop myself here on that issue).

Oh! And P.S. - don't even think about trying to step into the ring with Amy in a battle of wit. She's undefeated. 

Amy Neagles
When God was passing out pretty, I'm pretty sure that Amy snuck back in line and went through twice. Clever, Amy. Very clever. 

Amy Stork Faris
I'm a friend-of-friend collector. Amy Stork– er, I mean FARIS (we can still call you Stork, right?) I picked up when I was rooting around in Amy B's purse one day. Amy B has a whole gaggle of friends that she gathered in college and they are TIGHT. Always talking via email. Always going on big trips together. Always going to everyones wedding showers. I don't know how one maintains such a large group of friends. I mean, I've got a lot of friends, but not big clumps of them. Amy FARIS is an important piece of the clump. She's SO adorbs and sweet and down to earth.  She also sells Crocs with a vengeance. 

Amy West
When you have 472 facebook friends like I do, you really have to manage that feed. I'm pretty particular about who's status I get constant updates on. Some I keep 'cause they make me laugh, some 'cause they make me think, and others because I genuinely what to know what they are doing at any given moment. Amy West is all three. 

When I was in college, there was a big herd of us art students that were all pals, but within the herd there were well defined clicks. Especially amongst the girls. Now, don't get the wrong idea. We all liked each other just fine and were happy to hang out when we did, but we definitely had different interests. While me and my girls were sticking tacks on the bottom of our shoes so we could tap dance in the hallway, Amy and her girls were off in the fibers room giggling about something totally different and enjoying their womens-libbiness. If we lived in the sixties, they would have been the hippies. 

Now Amy is married, can do pretty much anything, and has 3 kids. Her eldest is Sid. He's five and I'm pretty sure he's smarter than me. I LIVE for Sid updates. Here's a sample: Sid asked for a pencil and paper so he could write a poem. He wrote a string of letters and showed it to me. I asked what the poem was about. "I don't know," he said with disdain, "I can't read!" Classic.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Facebook Friends: Amanda - Amy

Amanda Willers-Oliver
Amanda has a kid named John Austin who I like to think she named after Austin from Days of Our Lives since that is the soap I was obsessed with when she had him. She's super friendly, loves to bowl and looks dang good in a bikini. Therefore I hate her guts.

Amy Adams
Or Amy Bella as she is better known to me and Amy B. Amy is one of the prettiest people I know. She has perfectly formed features and a heart of gold. I just think the world of her. She is kind, smart and full of all kinds of awesome.

Amy Bertel
Some people I have so much to say about that I'm not even sure where to begin. Now, I'm not gonna get all mush about Amy, cause that's just not what we do, so I'll just say this: Amy is my +1. My +1 for major events, my +1 for dinner, my +1 for trips to target and my +1 for nights on the couch sewing birds and watching the Bachelorette. It's rare that a day goes by that I don't talk to Amy in one form or another, even if it's just her calling me to tell me something ridiculous one of her co-workers said or me calling her to tell her something ridiculous I just said to my co-workers. She gets me as well as I can be gotten. Keep your buttons and your bruises covered around her though. She'll push 'em the first chance she gets.

Amy Cline Benefield
So, as all of you know, I'm sure, Facebook Friends are not limited to people you are actually friends with. At least not the kind that know you're parents names or what you do for a living. It does however allow you to keep track of people who have passed through your life and see what they're up to. Amy is one of those people. We went to high school together, and I haven't seen her since. But thanks to Facebook, anytime the thought "i wonder what ever happened to that Amy Cline?" crosses my mind, (which it does) I'm two or three clicks away from an update. PLUS it will be really helpful when we plan the next reunion. Thanks, Technology!!

(note to self: Metallic Silver on Green does not look nearly as cool when it's scanned in.)

Amy Kling
Amy Kling is a California girl living in the wrong state. She's got the blondest hair, the longest eye-lashes, the sun-kissiest skin and a smile that radiates pure vitamin D. She's also an art teacher and the title holder for Most-Obnoxious Picture I've Ever Taken . A title she's held since I snapped a shot of her at a bar I worked at 8 years ago. It will be hard to beat.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Facebook Friends: Amanda - Amanda

Amanda C
This girl is proof that girls can do anything boys can do, better. (except for writing our names in the snow with bodily fluids and jogging without a bra–boys win) While you were sitting home watching television complaining that there's 500 channels and nothing on, Amanda was flying helicopters in Iraq. Equal parts Brains, Beauty and Brawn. She can probably break your neck with her finger, but she would never do that because she is also one of the nicest people you'll meet.

Amanda G
I still feel REALLY young. So far, 30 is my best age ever. But, can I just say that the fact that little Amanda is getting married is just a BIG FAT reminder of how fast time really moves.

Amanda is your classic bookworm. She loves books so much in fact that she's making a living at it. It's kind of weird to me how many librarians I am actually friends with. I can think of 4 off the top of my head! And NONE OF THEM are what I think of as librarian types.

Bring your books back on time, people, and don't try to give her any excuses. She'll just look at you like your a moron.

Amanda P
Strong Christian woman. Lived in Hawaii AND Alaska. Has 3 REALLY good-looking kids. Wore the biggest wedding dress I've ever seen. (In her defense, it was the 80's)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Facebook Friends: Adam - Alissa

This is my old pal Adam. We were cheerleaders together. Say what you will, but those guy cheerleaders were some of the best dudes I knew. And the smartest. I mean, all they had to do was make us laugh and touch our butts (pop-seat!). Adam is a brilliant musician and I always had a bit of an innocent crush on him. How could you not have a crush on someone so cute and talented and easy to be around?

Theatrical and highlarious and center-of-attention material if I ever met one. This charming boy has the added bonus of being related to me. Adam is my second-cousin and even though I only see him once every seven years or so, I like to think we have a special bond.

If you break your life up into chapters, as I do, there are distinct marks that define the close of one chapter and the start of a new one. Usually it's an event or a right of passage like graduation or getting your period, but every once in a blue moon, the page turner is a person. Just knowing them changes the course of our life profoundly. Aimee is one of those for me. Some of the most important people in my life I know because I first knew her. Aimee and I worked together at my first grown-up job. We were both new Christians without a clue as to what that actually meant, so we did what all people would do in that situation. We started a bible study. Aimee put it all together. All I had to do was show up. We've been meeting weekly for almost 8 years now. 8 YEARS!
Besides all that, Aimee is a great friend, has the sleekest hair, the most well-kept nails and is one of the most capable and unintentionally ambitious people I know.

Sash as I know him. Apparently Sasha is short for Alexander. I'm sure that makes more sense in Russia, where's he's from. He and his family moved to the states when he was in High School, but he only has the slightest hint of an accent. He must have tried really hard, bless his heart.
You know how sometimes you meet people and you are super uncomfortable around them and really feel like you need to watch what you say to make a good impression? Sash has the opposite effect. Nothing but good vibes oozing out of him. AND he works for FOX Sports. You boys should be jealous.

This girl lived in Africa for a few months on a mission trip. And I don't mean the Africa that's kind of like America with all it's modern conveniences. I mean the Africa that's like AFRICA. She was supposed to be there longer than she was, but while she was home for a visit it got to hostile and they wouldn't let her return. Alissa is brave, funny and nice. And I mean, nice seems like such a generic word. It's one that we gloss over and are practically immune to but she is SO NICE. She's one of those people I'm going to make a point to be really good friends with when I get in my time machine and do high school over again.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Facebook Friends: A.J. - Ace

Drawings of my facebook friends in alphabetical order. Quick and dirty. Just like them. Feel free to make yours your profile picture once I get to you.

Oh, A.J. or The Ettiquator as she is know to us at DCS. A.J. is a lover of kitties, comics, manners, farmers markets, order and Ben. She is the owner/operator of Star Clipper Comics. She works out while she works. As in, walks on a treadmill while on her computer. I KNOW!!! She had a special desk made and everything! By nature, she should not be able to tolerate me what-so-ever. But, she does. And not just tolerates me, she genuinely likes me!  Her patience with my total disregard for all societal rules of etiquette should land her a spot in the sainthood. Sigh. I miss her. 

Listen up American people. Over on the other side of the ocean there are all these people who hop around from culture to culture making themselves right at home where ever they are.  And, okay, okay, so Aafke the Dutch actually moved to Madrid when she was a kid so it was a bit easier for her to adapt. But still, girlfriend speaks, like, 3 languages FLUENTLY. When I was in Spain for 5 weeks it was Aafke who acclimated us (even as I whined the whole time). She showed us the insiders Madrid and put up with us for the touristy crap (kinda like taking people to the arch, I guess). She was my touchstone and the first thing I'm going to do when I get back there is call her up and buy her a beer and a chicken.

When I was in high school there was this gang of guys that were, in my opinion, the coolest, funniest, mischeviousest and laziest I knew. You know, the guys that spent most of their time smoking weed and playing hacky sack. Aaron was one them. I so desperately wanted them to think I was smart and funny and cool, but I think they mostly paid attention to me because I had big boobs. 

Abby I also went to high school with. She is without a doubt one of the warmest people I've ever met. A great girl with a great smile. She's just the way a girl ought to be. Sweet as sugar but able to dispense a verbal ass-whooping when she needs to.  

or Jason as I knew him at Fort Zumwalt North. One of the 20 unwhite people in my school. He brought some flavor to our white-bread world. He also escourted me when I won Coronation Queen which made him King by default. And for that, I say, YOUR WELCOME!