I don't know who this Amy Wright person is, but she looks a whole lot like this girl Amy Hoadly that I went to High School with. Amy Hoadly played on our HS volleyball team which I managed Freshmen year because I wasn't good enough to actually be ON the team. Obviously she's very brave because she pranced around in that volleyball uniform which was basically a polo shirt tucked into a pair of granny pannies.

Andi Osiek
Pronounced AUndi, not andi.
To those of you who have no involvement in the artistic community, someone who covers a canvas with feces and glitter may seem like a bit of a freak, but to those of us inside the artistic bubble, it's far weirder to see a super sweet, uber-talented sorority girl. And that's exactly what Andi is. From where I'm standing, she's the freak.

Andrew Richmond
I sort of lost custody of Andrew when my last relationship ended. You know how that goes. Now I only see him occasionally. He's still my friend though and I like him very, very, very much and I know he feels the same. He's a wicked writer, photographer and all around splendid human being. I'm also pretty sure he can hold more liquor than anyone I know.
See how awesome he is here.

Andrew Van Brunt
All I know about Andrew is that he's one of the 3 unmarried people at my church, he's a good-guy-scientist at WashU, and he has a gigantic brain that is completely useless for trivia.

Andy Litwiller
I went to college with Andy and he is what I like to call a Power Nerd. On the outside he looks like an unassuming four-eyed Michael Cera, but spend a few minutes with him and you will find that he is no awkward, oversensitive lady-type. He packs a biting wit and just so happens to be something of a musical genius. He rules the stage with an iron fist I tell you! I remember showing up to one of his gigs in college with a bag full of XXL undies that me and my girlfriends had...um....decorated. I'm actually kind of PO'd that I couldn't find a good picture of him with an afro. I really wanted to draw one.
Jenny... you rock my socks. Truly. Miss your face!!!
I miss yours too, you freak!
ReplyDeleteRight on the money there Cimino! I am glad we got to wear shorts junior and senior year I think!!! Those granny panty things shoulda put some people in jail!! Love the pic! Great job!