Amanda has a kid named John Austin who I like to think she named after Austin from Days of Our Lives since that is the soap I was obsessed with when she had him. She's super friendly, loves to bowl and looks dang good in a bikini. Therefore I hate her guts.

Amy Adams
Or Amy Bella as she is better known to me and Amy B. Amy is one of the prettiest people I know. She has perfectly formed features and a heart of gold. I just think the world of her. She is kind, smart and full of all kinds of awesome.

Amy Bertel
Some people I have so much to say about that I'm not even sure where to begin. Now, I'm not gonna get all mush about Amy, cause that's just not what we do, so I'll just say this: Amy is my +1. My +1 for major events, my +1 for dinner, my +1 for trips to target and my +1 for nights on the couch sewing birds and watching the Bachelorette. It's rare that a day goes by that I don't talk to Amy in one form or another, even if it's just her calling me to tell me something ridiculous one of her co-workers said or me calling her to tell her something ridiculous I just said to my co-workers. She gets me as well as I can be gotten. Keep your buttons and your bruises covered around her though. She'll push 'em the first chance she gets.

Amy Cline Benefield
So, as all of you know, I'm sure, Facebook Friends are not limited to people you are actually friends with. At least not the kind that know you're parents names or what you do for a living. It does however allow you to keep track of people who have passed through your life and see what they're up to. Amy is one of those people. We went to high school together, and I haven't seen her since. But thanks to Facebook, anytime the thought "i wonder what ever happened to that Amy Cline?" crosses my mind, (which it does) I'm two or three clicks away from an update. PLUS it will be really helpful when we plan the next reunion. Thanks, Technology!!
(note to self: Metallic Silver on Green does not look nearly as cool when it's scanned in.)

Amy Kling
Amy Kling is a California girl living in the wrong state. She's got the blondest hair, the longest eye-lashes, the sun-kissiest skin and a smile that radiates pure vitamin D. She's also an art teacher and the title holder for Most-Obnoxious Picture I've Ever Taken . A title she's held since I snapped a shot of her at a bar I worked at 8 years ago. It will be hard to beat.
why are you drawing all the girls really zoomed in and the boys so you can see necks and hair? Atie wants a neck!
ReplyDeleteJenny!!! I laughed out loud when I read my description!! I want to see this "most obnoxious picture ever taken" lol...I'm so proud to have that title haha! I love my picture and I love your blog...can't wait to see more of the portraits!