James Halton
James Halron as we like to call him. A good pal from High School who drags his family all over the world. Awful places like Hawaii and Japan. They must really love him. And who wouldn't? This devoted dad is like the poster child for awesome.
Jason Bauer
If Jason had been born about two thousand years ago, he would have made a fearsome Roman gladiator. His size, his booming voice and those piercing eyes would have made lions whimper like kittens. But he was born in 1981, so he was a giant football-playing teddy bear instead.
Jason gives THE. BEST. HUGS. They make you feel so tiny and protected. If you see him around town, make sure you ask him for one.
sidenote: This just might be my favorite portrait so far. I almost threw it away.
Jason Cook
Lemonhead. Chicken Sandwich. Kitten. Tiger. He will answer to any of these. Jason is my co-worker, and this is one of those situations where I have so much to say that I don't know where to start. I mean, according to my calculations, Jason and I have spent about 13,520 hours together over the last 6.5 years. That's a lot to sort through. If I had to break it down I would estimate that I spent 1,000 of those hours giving him a hard time about swallowing to loudly or having smelly food; 4,000 were spent in total silence with our headphones on; 500 giving each other knowing glances about something going on in the room; 1,000 on him talking about stupid effing LOST; 1,500 on me talking about the totally awesome Hunger Games trilogy; 1,500 just laughing; 2,000 on me giving him a hard time in general, leaving about 2020 hours of doing actual work.
Jason is a good sport and he puts up with a lot of teasing from me. But really, how can I help myself? The guy talks to his silverware.

Jason Fry
Father. Husband. Traveler. Activist. Human-Trafficking Hater. Business Maker. Jesus Lover. Avid Facebook Friends Blog reader.
Quite a long way from the guy who was always helping me get the stink-eye from our spanish teacher and the occasional invitation to stand in the hallway with all of our disruptive talking and giggling.
Jason Missey
I had a big fat crush on Jason Missey in college. He did not have a crush on me. He preferred my tiny, bubbly, blonde co-worker. Psssh. Typical.
We did get a long great though and we palled around a lot one summer. He even spent a hot sweaty hour chasing my roomate's dog through the mean streets of Warrensburg. He's also responsible for introducing me to the love of my life; Jeff Buckley.
Rock! I love your reminisces about me. Thank you!