Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Facebook Friends: Holly - Jake

Holly Scott
Holly Scott is one very strong and beautiful woman. I remember being pretty intimidated by her when we first met at 2 Rivers Church MANY years ago. She seemed a little hardened, a little cautious, like she'd been through some stuff. I am always intimidated by people who have been through some stuff because I haven't been through much at all. I'm always afraid I won't be taken seriously, because, what do I know? I'm just a spoiled and inexperienced nitwit.

Holly warmed up to me pretty fast and her hard candy shell quickly melted away to reveal a loving, affectionate, kid-loving, sensitive soul and a good friend who isn't afraid to dole out some tough love when necessary. She's VERY sharp, observant, funny and opinionated. Four of my favorite traits!!

Holly Terry
I got to know Holly in High School when I managed the girls volley ball team that I wasn't good enough to make. I had a great time with those girls though and they never made me feel less-than for being the only girl on the bus not wearing a white polyester collared jersey tucked into green spandex underpants. I know in this picture she looks a little bit like Elpheba from the hit broadway musical Wicked, but a wicked witch she is NOT. Holly is excels at being friendly and engaging and has one of the biggest and most beautiful smiles a girl could ever want.

Ima Jerk
Jen and I had a real easy time making one another laugh. My most prominent memories of her are of sitting in art class story-swapping and sitting on the bus, pulling up to her stop and watching her casually stroll towards the bus like she was in absolutely no hurry, which was fine with me, because I was still doing my homework.

Jacque Nodell
Another marvelous one-time Science Center Intern that we wanted to keep forever. Jacque makes me feel extremely unaccomplished and lazy. That's good though. That shame is what keeps me going. Jacque has AT LEAST 2 blogs that she updates. REGULARLY. Stop what you are doing and go to each of these links. You will get lost in awesome.
Sequential Crush   For Comic book lovers.
The Coziness Project  For vintage home decor lovers.
Pinterest - The coolest thing that I didn't know existed and will be signing up for immediately.

Jake Zettelmaier
Artist. Musician. Political Ranter. Bug Slayer. Jesus Lover. And the undisputed King of Crabgrass. Jake and I met at Special Effects make-up school. He was dirty, he was grouchy, he smelled like an ash-tray, and he dressed like an anarchist. I liked him immediately.

I think when God is in heaven making people cookies in his heavenly kitchen, we must have plenty of time to get to know one another while we're baking. When we're sent down to earth we forget all about where we came from. Our brains are wiped clean and we go about our business growing up. Occasionally, as we go, we meet people that we recognize without ever having met them. "Oh, Hey! It's you again." I think those people were all from the same batch. Batch Buddies. You're friendship is pretty effortless even if you have nothing in common.  Jake Z is one of my batch buddies.

Make sure to check out the music of Black Jake & the Carnies.

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