Donna is my OTHER beautiful, kind-hearted, Harley-Davidson-loving, cousin from my homeland of Gainesville, Florida who I haven't seen in 15 years. Seriously. Someone put this reunion together. Don't put me in charge. It'll never get done.

Douglas Lakey
Long before Doug was happily married, he and I dated. We bonded over our love of being hilarious and disgusting. Doug is a very clever and witty guy. Beloved by pretty much everyone. He's also a super suburban athlete. That's right. He's a professional bowler. He's better than everyone and he's got a giant thumb to prove it. He even hosts a radio show dedicated to the sport. You can check it out here. He also enjoys guitar playing, bar-b-queing, hanging out with The Friends and mens fashion.

Drew Krueger
I don't know Drew, but I do know Andy! Andy and my brother were best friends before my family moved to Atlanta. He's a good kid with a great family and wicked bar-tending skills.

Dustin Swartz
My sweet wonderful Dustin!!!!! How I love him so even if we haven't seen each other since college. (my fault) Dustin was my makeshift husband for our big group trip to Europe right after college. I don't know how I would have made it with out him. So much fun, so much fighting, and so much drama. Dustin was my rock and we were glued to one another for the entire trip. I even made him sleep in my room with me to avoid being alone with my assigned roommate Doris who spent half the trip crying and the other half on the phone with her boyfriend. We spent half our time walking the streets of Paris and London and the other half watching dirty Parisian television.
My sweet wonderful Dustin!!!!! How I love him so even if we haven't seen each other since college. (my fault) Dustin was my makeshift husband for our big group trip to Europe right after college. I don't know how I would have made it with out him. So much fun, so much fighting, and so much drama. Dustin was my rock and we were glued to one another for the entire trip. I even made him sleep in my room with me to avoid being alone with my assigned roommate Doris who spent half the trip crying and the other half on the phone with her boyfriend. We spent half our time walking the streets of Paris and London and the other half watching dirty Parisian television.
I could do lots of portraits of Dustin and if he lived here I would make him pose for me every time I had an artistic block. He's a block breaker. This crummy post-it just won't do him justice. He has such uniquely beautiful features. Sleepy eyes, a mouth sent straight from heaven and the greatest ears on God's green earth.
Dustin, I miss you!!!!! Let's go to Europe! (You'll have to pay, of course)

Elaine Crossman
Elaine was a prominent piece of my girl gang in high school. Many nights were spent at her house watching Dirty Dancing and Grease while we waited for her grandparents to fall asleep so we could do things we shouldn't. We shared a locker, which probably wasn't a good idea seeing as we were both giant slobs. (I still haven't outgrown that) She always sort of stayed on the out skirts in HS, and then blossomed senior year and won the coveted role of Prom Queen. Now she spends her time being gushingly in love with and married to, sweet Joey Crossman, raising her beautiful little children, and unleashing her inner party animal when she can get a babysitter.
Bellybutton, Elaine. Bellybutton.
Elaine was a prominent piece of my girl gang in high school. Many nights were spent at her house watching Dirty Dancing and Grease while we waited for her grandparents to fall asleep so we could do things we shouldn't. We shared a locker, which probably wasn't a good idea seeing as we were both giant slobs. (I still haven't outgrown that) She always sort of stayed on the out skirts in HS, and then blossomed senior year and won the coveted role of Prom Queen. Now she spends her time being gushingly in love with and married to, sweet Joey Crossman, raising her beautiful little children, and unleashing her inner party animal when she can get a babysitter.
Bellybutton, Elaine. Bellybutton.
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