Dawn Stine
The only real-life rodeo cowgirl I've ever met who is also fluent in sign language. Really, the only real-life cowgirl I've ever met period. She lights up any room she walks into.

Deanna Hemmersmeyer
Deanna is gorgeous and REALLY quiet. I love quiet people for two reasons. Number one: When they talk, it's usually worth listening to. And Number two: Every time they give you a bit of personal information, it feels like you've earned it.

Debbie Arnold Gregory
Some people are more fun to draw than others. Debbie's more fun. Big eyes, long lashes, a great nose and a mouth with such great character. When people have really great features you can just relax and have fun. I bet if Talous Lautrec were alive today he'd beg her to be his reluctant model.

Debbie Mackintosh
I haven't seen Debbie since I was about 7 years old. Her and my mom were best friends when they were kids and stayed that way until Debbie and her family moved to NYC to build a church and produce musicals (at least that's what my 7-year-old memory tells me she was doing.) You know, no big deal. I remember Debbie being very kind and radiantly warm and nothing I've seen or heard since leads me to believe she's changed.

Debbie Steudeman Stieferman
Debbie is great and she has the two hardest-to-spell last names of anyone I know. She is also one of those people who made my life what it is today. She gave me my job at the science center nearly seven years ago, even though, looking back, I was pretty terrible. We spent most of the interview talking about cats and crafting, so I guess she thought I was at least qualified enough to be entertaining–lack of talent be damned. She's a tiny ball of concentrated individuality. Her hair was always sticking up and her sweaters were sprinkled with whatever she had for lunch and it was totally and completely charming. These days she is the owner/operator of Gooey Louie. THE BEST gooey butter cake in St. Louis. Food Network even came to visit them!!! Debbie gives hope to creative scatter-brained types like myself. Someday we CAN get our acts together achieve something!!! Thanks for everything Debbie!!!
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