Sometimes I get kind of nervous to be around people that I used to know very well, but only see occasionally nowadays. I'm a little bit of an outsider. But as soon as I see Lipp, my nerves ease up. He is always happy to see me. I bet if I called him and asked him to help me move furniture he would do it. (Although he might oversleep and forget on the actual day.) God bless you, Brian Lippard. God Bless.

Brian Schmitt
Fellow Panther. Fellow Painter. Fellow Human Being.

Bryan Rowland
Aw, Bryan Rowland was always so nice. Now he's nice and can break your bones with a wiggle of his finger. (That's what they teach you in the army, right?)

Bryan Krueger
Oh, Beek. Everytime I hear No Doubt's I'm Just a Girl I am immediately teleported back to 1996, sitting in the passenger seat of BK's little white car. He drove me home after school every day, saving me from the humiliation of riding the bus, allowing me to not only play that song on repeat daily, but also let me control the stick shift when he pushed in the clutch. "First gear!" "Second Gear! NO! Second, Cimino!!!"
He is such a wonderful person. To this day, my girlfriends and I can not say his name with out someone interuppting with an "I love him!" or an "Oh, Beek!"

Bryan Loss
Bryan is smart, genuine, witty, honest, ambitious, and opinionated. I also assume he is very talented, but what do I know about music? He works with famous people. To me that's always impressive. He's more successful doing what he loves than anyone I know. What a lucky s.o.b. There is absolutely nothing phony about Bryan. He is what he is and he's certainly not at all interested in acting any way else to make anyone comfortable. I envy that a little bit. He's also a Do-er. He just does stuff with out trying to over analyze. It would probably be very good for me if I hung out with Bryan more. Too bad I'm in a self-destructive phase.
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