One of the best times of my life was a trip I took a year ago to Arizona. I got to spend a few days reuniting with dear friends, attending a great wedding, and after that I spent four days in Tucson with my beautiful friend Sarah (OH, I can't wait to get to the S's) and her future in-laws, the Masons. I know it shouldn't matter, but some people are so fascinating and wonderful that you DO feel a little bit better about yourself when they like you. Such is the case with Betsy. I am better just by association. See you in June, Betsy!

Bill Asher
Bill Asher is solid proof that you never have to completely grow up to be a solid man. He's an eternal 16 year old boy beating his drums and riding around doing tricks on his bicycle, with the integrity, ambition, responsibility, and respectability of a seasoned old wise-man. A great dad and extremely loving husband and–OH, WAIT–Let's not forget to mention Bill's endless energy and creativity. If you're the kind of person that thinks being a strong Christian dude = becoming a boring, uptight weenie, then you should meet Bill. He'll change your mind.
Experience Bill, the photographer and web design extraordinaire for yourself right HERE!!!

Bill Best
This Bill began, to me, as nothing more than my friend Carly's annoying little step-brother, but as he matured (and I did to) I was able to appreciate his sharp whit and kindness. By the time we got to high school I upgraded him to Pretty Cool Guy that I would openly acknowledge in the hallway.

Bill Chott
You may recognize Bill, here, from the Emmy award winning show Wizards of Waverley Place or from Epic films like Galaxy Quest and The Ringer. The guy has an IMDB page a quarter mile long. That's not how I know him though. I met Bill a few years ago when I was going through a phase of doing things that scared the sh*t out of me. One of those things being Improv. Random, I know. Bill, is extremely passionate about Improv AND about St. Louis which is where he grew up. A few years ago he came back to start building his Improv empire and I got in on the ground floor for a class. Bill is a great teacher. Kind, enthusiastic, encouraging, but tough and honest. I, however, was a lousy improv student. Apparently the first thing that comes to my mind when put on the spot is insulting people or acting like a jerk. That's quite alright though. I was so happy just to do it (and be done with it). Keep your eye on Bill, folks. He's going places even further than the places he's already been. If you are interested in putting yourself out there, and giving Improv a try, there's no better place in St. Louis than the Improv trick. Get to know more on Bill's site.

Bill Keaggy
I'll do my best to keep this short. A couple days ago I was trolling through my list of upcoming friend portraits and realized that Bill Keaggy was not my friend. GASP! What!! No, Bill!?! NOT Okay. Especially since Bill has so indirectly inspired this little project. Thank God he accepted my friend request within minutes. Bill is the blog and coffee table book king of St. Louis. He was recently a guest on Jimmy Kimmell Live promoting one of those coffee table books Milk Eggs Vodka. Buy it. Bill did great on Jimmy Kimmell, but what I don't think really translates in this interview is the Silent Power that Bill carries around. He's a very unassuming guy and upon first meeting him you may never suspect that he's probably one of the most intelligent, creative and unintentionally ambitious guys you've ever met. Not to mention the nicest and most valuable kickball player for A Team Named Sue. Seriously, you guys. If bombs start dropping over St. Louis, somebody grab Bill and stick him in a bunker. We're gonna to need him around. I could shower Bill with much more flattery, but it's probably embarrassing him, so I'll stop, but take a break and follow this link IMMEDIATELY to check out Bill's website. Hours of fun await you. You'll see what I mean.
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