Now, back to business!

Brandon Lesinski

Brandon was the unofficial leader of the pack at FZNHS. He and his posse were like a pack of Greasy T-Birds and he was their John Travolta. They didn't have singing, dancing, or leather jackets, but they did have rebellious natures and no respect for authority. For a brief period they let me play Sandra Dee. I was far to much of a goodie goodie to get into any real trouble with them and we all eventually parted ways, but they always treated me with respect and terrible amounts of sweetness. I always knew I could go to them if I need defending or a big bag of weed. (I never needed either, but it was nice to know it was there)

Brea McAnally
So, I don't really know Brea directly, but indirectly, she sort of unintentionally stalked me for a while. I did meet her at a wedding years and years ago, then she briefly worked for my brother-n-law, then I started seeing her at church, then art shows and THEN she was supposed to photograph my friend Blaire's wedding. It was weird. Kind of like when you see a coke bottle full of urine on the side of the road. Once you see it once, you see EVERYWHERE. (Not that she is ANYTHING like a bottle of urine, it's just the best analogy I can think of at six in the morning.) Anyways, Brea seems to have far more ambition and talent than should be allotted to one person. Her and her husband run the art empire over at The Luminary, she has a band, AND a photography business. That's a lot of links. She also wears bangs REALLY well.

Brenda Boswell Long
In my youth, Brenda was the scrappy younger sister of Bobby Boswell, who reminded me of Sam from Clarissa Explains it All. When I think of her, I see her with a low-sitting pony tail and an over-sized blue Adidas jacket. This memory may or may not be accurate. Accuracy, Shmaccuracy.

Brian Barnes
So, Brian isn't really the devil, but in every girl's book of romance someone has to be the villain. Most of us have several, but one out shines them all. For me, my bright, shiny villain is Brian Barnes. Before him, my heart had certainly obtained a few scrapes and scratches, but Brian really put a good callus on it. A callus that has actually come in pretty handy over the years.
He and I "dated" a few times in college. Each time beginning with him pursuing me with the extravagant charm of drunken fraternity prince (which, to my college self was actually pretty attractive,) and ending with me getting dumped for someone else. I don't think anyone has had quite the hold on me that he did. Looking back, I realize what I was really attracted to was his confidence and his backwards baseball cap. He was probably attracted to my naiveté, sense of humor, and big boobs. Brian was a liar, a cheater and a chewer. He wasn't all bad though. He did clean out my car the day before he dumped me for the girl he was cheating on me with. (Another form of shame cleaning, I suppose.)
So, yeah, Brian was a big fat jerk to me in college, but I was also a big fat moron. I am an entirely different person now, thank God, and I imagine he is, too.
PS - If you don't have a good picture of yourself up, you'll get a stick figure too.

Brian Dunston
Such a good guy. I haven't seen him in years, but I assume he's blossomed into a good man by now.
I love the brian dunston one...thats how i feel too! I've not seen him in ten? five? eight? years but I'm sure he's just as sweet as ever. Also, funny one on Le-pimp-ski too but I never got my weed from Brandon (i think i got it from his mom).