(If you don't like reading too much, skip down to the third paragraph)

Some people have the gift of being able to size someone up within moments of meeting them. Most people think they have this gift. Neither of these pertain to me. I am an awful insta-judge and I know it, but, this knowledge of myself does nothing to prevent me from making my assumptions anyways. One of my more blaireingly (tee hee) obvious miscalculations is that of one Blaire Bacher.
I've "known" Blaire since high school, but I've only known her for the past five or six years. I'm pretty sure she sort of hates it when I say this, but, I was pretty intimidated by her in school. We had many of the same friends. I mean, it was almost weird how much we DIDN'T talk given our constant co-existence at social gatherings. I doubt we had any classes together. She was probably goofing off in all the advanced classes while I was goofing off in the remedial ones. I can't really put my finger on why we weren't chummy in those days. I probably just thought she was too smart and too serious to be entertained by my immature antics and therefore froze and said nothing in her presence, so she had no idea how awesome I was.
Maybe that's not how it happened at all. Maybe we talked all the time and I just don't remember it, but it's my dang blog, an all that matters on my dang blog is my own dang memories. Real or not.
The days of Scary Blairey are long gone and what a waste they were to begin with! Now she's my #3 go-to girl when I'm looking for something to do on a friday night other than sit at home by myself. Blaire is ornery and hilarious, has my favorite talking AND yelling voice, a not-so-secret-now artistic talent and a gigantic brian that she can use for both good and evil. (Late-night-shenanigan-evil, not EVIL-evil.) She's also the last to leave any party, no matter how boring. She's super and that's all I have left to say about it.

Bonnie Rooney
Oh, well, look who it is! My dear friend, Bonnie. I was really excited to do this for Bonnie. She deserves it. She's a giver. Her time is predominantly spent pouring herself out for others. Not just friends and family; she does it for a living! Now, don't misunderstand. Bonnie's no doormat. She'll let you know when you're taking advantage. That's the best kind of giver. It's so authentic. She doesn't do for others to gain their approval, she does it because that is truly her heart. We've known each other a few years, but, our friendship had always relied on a group. Never just the two of us. Until recently, that is. Now we go to dinner once a month (2 months in a row). I must say, becoming one-on-one friends with Bonnie is one of the best things that has happened to me this year. I'm looking forward to much more one-on-one time with this SuperWoman.
*Incase you are wondering, Bonnie's favorite past times are: getting degrees, playing with her dog Jude, and filling out paperwork until three o'clock in the morning.

Brandi Bostic
I don't know what Brandi spent the 10 years after high school doing, but somehow she finally got her braces off (in my head you ALWAYS had them), birthed out 2 cute kids and gave the finger to her old career and started a new one, all on her own. Well, I'm sure she had some help manufacturing those kids. Bravo, Brandi. Bravo.

Brandi Brown
I wish I had a tenth of the energy that Brandi Brown has. She is a dynamic, exuberant and boisterous Christian woman. When she's not busy keeping her house of husband and 4 kids in order, she's funneling the buckets of talent that ooze out of her eyeballs into her extremely successful photography business. When she's not doing that, she's probably making out with her husband, with whom, she is still ridiculously in love with. As soon as they come up for air she probably goes out to feed the homeless with her church or something. Sheesh, Brandi. We get it! You're awesome.
If you live in the St. Louis Area and need a photographer USE HER. It might be the best decision you've ever made in your life. Ever. Or, at the very least, one of the better ones. Click here!!!

Brandon Kuester
Brandon and I went to high school together, but, I think his facebook page must have been highjacked by some teenage boy. That's the only explanation I can come up with for why he uses absolutely NO punctuation in any of his posts. No one who received the fine training that we did at Fort Zumwalt North would dare show such a lack of respect for the period. See how nicely it breaks up sentences? It says, "Hey! Pause for a second. New thought coming." Seriously, facebook-highjacking boy. Whenever the real Brandon gets a hold of you, he's really gonna ring your neck!
Jenny, I absolutely love reading these things...almost as much as looking at the rad pictures.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Misty! You're Rad.
ReplyDeleteWhen ever I am feeling a little blue, I am going to come and read this... thanks for loving me. :)