Chris Denton, of the Chris & Sally Dentons, SHOULD be higher on my list of friends by now. We all liked each other very much when we met and in the few times we've seen each other since have said "Oh! We should hang out more!" - but, in a I-really-REALLY-mean-it kind of way, not the Oh-this-was-really-awkward-so-let's-pretend-it-wasn't kind of way. But, as these things go when you're not in college and every night isn't Saturday night, we hardly ever see each other. It's been years. And in that time they've become parents, so we pretty much blew our chances. Too bad. It could have been great.
The Chris-half of Chris&Sally is a handsome, sweet, witty, rock-making, wife-loving, semi-nerd. A solid type of guy. The kind of guy who responds to everyone who posts on his facebook page. How many of us can claim such kindness? Not this girl.

Chris Lucas
Chris is always grouchy. It's part of his charm. Not a mean-spirited kind of grouchy, more of a "This is bull shit– Hey! Let me get that door for you. - Damn the man" kind of way. I have a real fondness for those who posses a cantakerous heart of gold. Now, granted, I only see Chris at work, so maybe that's why he's always 1/2 grumpy. Maybe, when he goes home he puts on his short-shorts and breaks out into song and dance WHAM-style, but if he does, I don't wanna know about it. A real good grouch is hard to find.
He also make's a mean hand-crafted table. (no pun intended)

Chris Nanney
There seems to be 2 Chris Nanneys that exist in my world. The one I've known and been friends with for 13 years and the one that's on facebook. The Chris I know is lovable, funny, affectionate, fiercely loyal, sweet as sugar, sarcastic, goofy, great for long thoughtful talks, gives the best hugs, is covered in tattoos, bedazzled with piercings, and shreds the guitar with his tongue sticking out in way that is entirely endearing. I love that Chris. But, the guy that runs his facebook account seems like kind of a potty-mouthed dick. Don't be fooled, ya'll! The real Chris is a kitten!
There seems to be 2 Chris Nanneys that exist in my world. The one I've known and been friends with for 13 years and the one that's on facebook. The Chris I know is lovable, funny, affectionate, fiercely loyal, sweet as sugar, sarcastic, goofy, great for long thoughtful talks, gives the best hugs, is covered in tattoos, bedazzled with piercings, and shreds the guitar with his tongue sticking out in way that is entirely endearing. I love that Chris. But, the guy that runs his facebook account seems like kind of a potty-mouthed dick. Don't be fooled, ya'll! The real Chris is a kitten!

Chris Ward
Chris really blossomed after high school. Maybe he was blossomed IN high school and I was too busy trying to be cool (whatever that is) to notice. I DID notice what a nice, genuinely friendly guy he was and I also noticed that long flowing hair of his that I wanted to cut off. Well, he cut it off and still managed to become a local rock star. I saw him and his wife a few years ago after a Cardinals game and he seems to have grown into a very handsome and nice man with that same genuineness about him. But, I was pretty drunk that day, so, who knows.

Chris Willey
It seems to me that there are 3 types of artists. The kind that have tons of passion, but not a lot of natural talent (though they can learn), the kind that are born with talent, but not enough passion to really do much with it and fall desperately short of their potential (I fall into this category), and then, there are the Chris Willey's of the world. The artist who has both.
Chris was one of my professors at CMSU. She used to walk around the room reading things like The Painted Word aloud to us while we were working on our latest illustration project. Always trying to talk us into caring more about what we did. Can you imagine trying to talk a bunch of college kids into caring about their art? ugh. Shoot me. I wish I could remember more of what she said now that I actually DO care. Back then I was far to busy obsessing about transvestites, glitter, and David Bowie to really hear what she was saying. I started to come around towards the end there, though. Here I am, 8 years later, and a little smidge closer to becoming my own Chris Willey. My artistic-zeal train has finally left the station and is picking up steam. Slowly. But Surely.
Check out Chris Willey's work RIGHT HERE.
Interesting sidenote: When someone asks me where I was when 9-11 struck, my answer is: "Chris Willey's class."
Chris was one of my professors at CMSU. She used to walk around the room reading things like The Painted Word aloud to us while we were working on our latest illustration project. Always trying to talk us into caring more about what we did. Can you imagine trying to talk a bunch of college kids into caring about their art? ugh. Shoot me. I wish I could remember more of what she said now that I actually DO care. Back then I was far to busy obsessing about transvestites, glitter, and David Bowie to really hear what she was saying. I started to come around towards the end there, though. Here I am, 8 years later, and a little smidge closer to becoming my own Chris Willey. My artistic-zeal train has finally left the station and is picking up steam. Slowly. But Surely.
Check out Chris Willey's work RIGHT HERE.
Interesting sidenote: When someone asks me where I was when 9-11 struck, my answer is: "Chris Willey's class."
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