My dear, sweet, intellectual, creative friend. When I first met Chuck he had loooooong beautiful raven black hair that any goth-metal enthusiast would give their right steel-toed boot to whip around at a hardcore show (forgive me if I just mixed genres.) I imagine the stiffs on campus thought he was a freak–which I think he probably prided himself on–but Chuck is one of the warmest and most genuine people I knew/ know. I don't know if my memory works the same way as most folks. I don't have very clear memories about things, dates, or details but I have very clear memories of my feelings. When I picture myself walking into a room full of people and seeing Chuck there, my heart warms up and I think "Thank, God. Chuck is here."

Clayton Moore
Clayton was one of our presenters at SciFest 2010. But, really, "presenter" seems like too small a word for someone of this magnitude. He's a first class Edutainer from Science Museum Oklahoma. He packed our house. Standing room only. The man has a gift. As an artist, I get asked about 4 times a year to illustrate someones book that they haven't written. Clayton included himself on that list. I really wish he would write that book because I know it will actually be nothing but brilliant.

Cody Mason
Cody is the soulmate of my soulmate. There could be no better man for her. Cody, a geologist, looks like a Calvin Klein model, has the soul of a philosopher, the adventurous-cunning spirit of Huckleberry Finn and the outdoor know-how of Bear Grylls. (I am always impressed by people who thrive in the outdoors since I'm such a panzy.) His beloved and myself are two very similar creatures. We thrive most when we feel safe, adored and challenged. Cody provides all that for her in spades. Sarah can always count on Cody to tell her she's beautiful, to tell her when she's being a baby, and to remember the car keys while she's busy thinking about what animals she can paint in tutus.

Corey McNamara
Corey Mac is an extremely special guy. The great-wise-leader type. The Braveheart of ministry. Not that he's going to paint himself blue and ride about saving his countrymen in a loincloth or anything, but I think out of all the people I've come across in my life, he'd be the most-likely to do such a thing. I wish I was half as brave as he is. And, for Corey, life isn't just about smothering out hopelessness with love for people all over the world; he wields a pretty fierce sense of humor, too. Granted, I only knew him for about half a second about a hundred years ago, but that was enough. Some people leave a mark on your psyche that doesn't really go away. He may not see himself this way at all, but this project isn't about what you think of yourself, it's about what I think of you; and Corey, I think you're inspiring, strong and thank God for you and others like you who aren't afraid to roll up their sleeves and get dirty living outside the box for the good of mankind.

Cori Green Roton
I haven't seen Cori in about 6 or seven months. I went to her page and noticed that she just had another baby! Life sure changes fast, especially when you're not paying attention. Cori is one of those people who LOOKS like she'd be shy and reserved, but that ain't so. She's a smart, strong and opinionated woman. I love it when people surprise me. She's also Mom to the only 2-year-old germ-a-phobe I've ever met.
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