Dan Glynn is my unofficial bright-blonde cousin who makes a chili that I try to beat out every year at his annual chili cook-off. One of these days, Dan!!!! He's also one of the nicest guys you'd want to adopt as a relative.

When I say things like " I love the people I work with!," Danielle is included in that lot. She has a big brain in which she stores everything that's going on anywhere and everywhere in the Science Center. She knows EVERYONE and she is so supportive. I can always count on her to know someone's name when I don't, to remind me to do something that she asked me to do five minutes earlier that I've already forgotten about, and to tell me what book to read next. She's a very important cog in the gears that make that place function and she is forbidden to ever leave us.

Oh, how I loved Danielle when we were cheerleaders together! (For that one semester) We got along so easily. She's a sunny and positive person who couldn't make an enemy if she tried. I can't be sure, but once when I was facebook investigating her I gathered that she now does something with fashion, although, I can't find evidence of it now. Danielle, you should probably take me on as a charity case. And PS - you live right near me!

I went to college with Dan. We were both art majors. He took me to my first formal Fraternity puke-fest. I once went to his parents house and ate half a jar of olives stuffed with blue cheese and made myself sick. About an hour after that I ran my car into an icy ditch and he had to come rescue me. We once had an art show along with Katie O'Malley and while his talent astounds me, his pornographic subject matter seemed somewhat inappropriate for a small town winery. What can I say? I'm a prude.

I never went to summer camp, but I have gone to the same resort on the same island for one week every summer since I was 3. Danny has the same exact tradition. For one week a year we're family. Our parents are besties. Most of my fondest memories of Danny involve him cheating at cards, stuffing me in a dryer or pushing me into a pool - and not just when we were kids. I didn't have an older brother to pick on me, and he filled that void. Danny has a dead-pan sense of humor that I wish I could get away with and a laugh you can't help catching. Some of his favorite pastimes, as far as I can tell, are throwing children, eating, and getting a good sunburn.
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