What do you call your brother-n-law's nephew? I call mine Dan and I only see him once or twice a year. Just like the rest of my family! He's an awfully sweet and multi-talented guy with fancy hair that always looks different. He should walk around with a frame on his head, because that coiffure is art.

I'm not going to be overly-flattering here because I know he hates it. Here goes. Dan is what happens when two incredible people get together and make other incredible people. Not only is he pretty much the most talented artist on the face of the earth, but he's also an asset to any trivia team. He knows everything about almost everything (except practical things like how to use a Q-tip or how to cut pizza) From sports to US presidents to geography to Gilmore Girls. His brain doesn't work like the rest of ours. When he learns something new it stays there. FOREVER. Like Rain Man.
Some of Dan's other talents include, but are not limited to: playing sports, being patient, balancing the fine art of being humble and knowing you're awesome at the same time, teaching people what he knows, growing a beard, running in a circle and punching the air at hard-core punk shows, being nice to everyone, being thoughtful, making anything, being liked and respected, wearing hats, and sweating–and all this is me NOT being flattering.
Dan is going to be more successful and famous than the rest of us, so you should probably go and check out his stuff here so you can say you've been following him since way before he got famous and sold out.
I'm sure you all had a David Cashman in your High School. The guy that was friends with everyone, involved in everything and so kind and generous that it really raised the bar on what being a "good person" equates to. Dave is the kind of guy I wish would run for politics. He should really consider running for mayor...mayor of planet Earth.
A quarter of my high school social life was spent in the basement of Dave's parents house...sitting at their 70's style bar...waiting to drive my drunk friends home...because I couldn't drink...because my mom insisted on smelling my breath when I got home. I don't know where Dave's parents were all this time (I'm pretty sure they were sleeping), but I'll bet they never threatened to smell his breath. (I'm actually thankful for that tight leash now, Mom!) Dave has been a very nice and hospitable guy ever since. I guess he has his sleeping parents to thank for that!

I have a pretty good smile. Having braces three times will do that. But, Dawns smile makes my smile look like an eighty-year-old mid-evil British peasant who eats dirt for breakfast.
Dawn and I were illustration majors together. I don't see any art anywhere on her facebook, but there's plenty of pictures of pets, planes, and exotic places. Certainly more than I'll ever have.